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「양사룡전」의 자료적 가치 - Ⅴ. 맺음말 본문

카테고리 없음

「양사룡전」의 자료적 가치 - Ⅴ. 맺음말

건방진방랑자 2022. 6. 14. 11:46

. 맺음말



이상에서 양사룡전을 대상으로 양사룡전에 담긴 인성교육의 핵심적 가치를 추출하고, 아울러 인성교육 자료로서 양사룡전이 지닌 여러 장점을 살펴보았다. 검토 결과 양사룡전은 효자전 일반의 계몽적 권면을 넘어 의리를 바탕으로 왜 효행과 선행을 해야하는지에 대한 사 유과정을 보임으로써 인성함양과 관련된 윤리적, 도덕적 가치의 함의를 더욱 풍부하고 실재적으로 만들었다. 또한 인성교육 자료의 측면에서도 청소년의 자아 형성과 긴밀하게 연결될 수 있는 진아(盡我)라는 사유를 갖추고 있고, 진솔하고 핍진한 서술로 독자의 공감을 높이고 있으며, 소박하지만 실천 가능한 행위들을 통해 전통시대 윤리 덕목에 대한 인식 전환을 꾀할 수 있고, 이야기 자체가 흥미로워 학생들의 독서를 적극적으로 이끌 수 있는 등 여러 장점을 갖추고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.


그런데 이 논문은 이러한 자료를 어떻게 수업으로 연결시킬 수 있는 가 하는 방법적 고찰이 결여되어 있다. 이는 필자의 역량이 부족한 때문이기도 하고, 이 논문의 목표가 방법론적 고찰과는 결을 달리하기 때문이기도 하다. 하지만 한 작품은 작가 고유의 사유 방식과 연계하여 분석하고 그 속에서 인성교육적 가치를 제시했다는 점에서 작으나마 의의를 지닌다. 미처 다루지 못한 방법론적 고찰은 후고를 기약한다.





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The significance of the Yang Sa-ryong(梁四龍)’s biography in terms of personality education


Kim, Hyoung-Sool*

Dept. of Chinese Classics Education, JEONJU University



This thesis analyzes the key reason contained in the works for Seogwi(西歸) Lee Ki-bal(李起浡)’s Yang Sa-ryong’s biographyand examines the special features of Yang Sa-ryong’s biographyas personality education materials. The core value of “Yangsaryongjeon” is the loyalty of “I have no money, no title, but I will do what I have to do” to repay the grace of heaven. Yang Sa-ryong was able to practice cucumber sharing and filial piety toward his mother based on the spirit of “I will do what I have to do.”

Yang Sa-ryong’s biographycan be a great source of personality education for the following reasons.

First, the spirit of “I will do what I have to do” and “I’ll do everything I can” in Yang Sa-ryong’s biographycan be closely linked to the formation of youth’s self. The spirit of “I will do what I have to do” and “I’ll do everything I can” directly evoke the “I”, which should be the center of the formation of correct values, and the problems of relationships. Personality education, which mediates “I” can lead to a more active and open attitude on the issue of “I” and my personality by asking myself why such values are needed in my life.

Second, the filial piety and good deeds depicted in Yang Sa-ryong’s biographyare sincere and exhausting, which leaves much room for empathy. For this reason, readers can more easily sympathize with the words and actions of the characters depicted in Yang Sa-ryong’s biography, which is the starting point for educational influence.

Third, the filial piety and good deeds depicted in Yang Sa-ryong’s biographyare simple things in everyday life, it is possible to enhance the reader’s ability to sympathize with it. If Yang Sa-ryong’s filial piety had been portrayed as ‘cutting fingers’ or ‘cutting thighs’, as it often appears in common filial piety stories, the act would likely have been considered unrelated to himself, even though it was sublime. In this regard, the filial piety depicted in Yang Sa-ryong’s biographycan lead to a shift in our students' perception that filial piety is too extreme to do anything they can’t do and that they can do enough in their daily lives.

Fourth, Yang Sa-ryong’s biographyitself is a very interesting story. Yang Sa-ryong’s cucumber-sharing is a novel way to think about it in today’s perspective. Besides this, Yang Sa-ryong’s biographyenhances the interest of the story through various illustrations. In order for personality education using Chinese classics to work properly, students must read the work above all. if the material to be read in the class is boring and proper reading is not achieved, the next level of education cannot expect the effect.

Although this paper did not provide specific teaching methodologies, it is of little significance in that it analyzed one text in connection with the writer’s thinking and presents personality educational values.


[Key words] Seogwi(西歸) Lee Ki-bal(李起浡), Yang Sa-ryong’s biography, filial piety, good deeds, loyalty, Jeonju


논문투고일: 202078
논문심사 및 수정: 2020713~ 89
게재확정일: 2020810
필자전자우편주소: mulsiwubu@jj.ac.kr








